
Growing Pains

This week, as we move into 1 Corinthians 4, we look at Paul’s message to the Corinthian Church as having everything they want or need. They have riches, they reign, and don’t want for anything unlike the apostles that struggle and are treated like the garbage of the world. In America, we have the ability […]

Growing Pains

Richard is back this week bringing the message from 1 Corinthians 3. Here, Paul expends more on the faith of those in Corinth, though the words may be a little harsh. Paul describes them as being infants, or babies, in the faith living off of milk. Paul started them off with milk as they were […]

Jonah 2

Matt Tyler bring us this week’s message from Jonah 2. If you recall from his previous visit, we covered Jonah 1 where we can see a warning not to run. We can see in Jonah 2, that God will find you, even in the deepest depths.

Growing Pains

We move into 1 Corinthians 2 this week. Paul explains to the Corinthians that he did not come with conventional human wisdom and performance to share the Gospel; but with God’s wisdom and our willingness to share the Word, he can work to soften hearts. Even if our words aren’t the greatest and we aren’t […]

Growing Pains

This week, we go back and start working through 1 Corinthians and see some of the divisions that are arising. These divisions are cause by the believers stating who they follow, but Paul reinforces that we should be focused on Christ crucified. As long as we are focusing on this, there should be little division […]

Growing Pains

Richard starts a new series in Corinthians that will explore Paul’s teaching to the Church in Corinth as they grow in faith and we will see how these lessons will apply to us today. We start at the end of 1 Corinthians to lay the groundwork as we work through the book. Everything we do, […]

Like a Love Song

Richard concludes the series through Song of Songs 7-8, where we see the final conclusion of the conflict we walked through last week. We see the couple give their final bits of wisdom to the young women to not stir up love until the appropriate time, stay committed to the marriage covenant, and to keep […]

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