Sermon Book: Romans

How Can They Believe?

This we we wrap up the Be the Church event and talk about why we spent last week being the church instead of being in the church. It doesn’t matter what you are doing, there may be a way to spread the message of Christ, and Richard details his opportunity to do so in the […]

Growing Pains

We move into 1 Corinthians 8 this week looking at how we are to handle ourselves and our convictions around others that may have differing convictions. There are core doctrines that are clearly defined in the Bible, and there are convictions that Christians hold that are not clearly defined in the Bible. If our convictions […]


As we wrap up the Heritage series, Richard takes us back to the beginning… The very beginning with Adam. Just as sin and death entered the world through Adam, Paul points out that this was in the same type as the Coming One. Christ entered the world and brought us grace and eternal life; a […]

Freshman Orientation

Richard’s message this week focuses on the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit has been working throughout creation and is still working today. We cover how the Spirit gives us God’s Word, shows us what is wrong, cleanses us, shows us what is right, and empowers us to do what is right.

When in Rome

We wrap up our study in Romans this week in Romans 15 & 16. In these final chapters, Paul again emphasizes the purpose of his writings is for the Gentiles to get to know Christ and that we are to be unified as the Church. Paul even points to the Old Testament scriptures showing that […]

When in Rome

We go through Romans 14 this week as we continue the When in Rome series. In the Roman church there was a division between the Old Covenant Jews and the Gentiles; the church has had divisions since the beginning and we can apply the same message to the Church today. Paul calls us to be […]

When in Rome

This week we are studying Romans 13 and what it means to be a good neighbor and that we are to submit to authority. In the first part of the chapter, Paul tells us that we should be submitting to the governing authority since there is no authority except that which comes from God. We […]

When in Rome

As we start Romans 12, we start to see how we can apply the doctrine that was revealed to us in the first eleven chapters of Romans. We start by seeing that we should be a living sacrifice and here are three different ways we should be doing it: 1. We sacrifice ourselves for Him. […]

When in Rome

In Romans 10, Paul again expresses how his heart breaks for his people that continue to reject Christ. They are a zealous people, passionate about their faith, but they were lacking knowledge of who Christ was and why He came. Our job as Christians is the same as it was back then; we are to […]

When in Rome

We are in Romans 9 this week looking at the message Paul has for the Christians living in Rome. This week we read that there are Jews that would not accept Christ and it broke Paul’s heart. Paul would give up everything for his fellow people to accept Christ, and this is okay to think. […]

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