Who We Are

FCC is a church devoted to leading others to a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.

At FCC, you’ll find: 

  1. A friendly environment.
  2. Most people dress casually.
  3. We love kids!
  4. Our worship is upbeat. People participate in all kinds of ways.

After you have attended for awhile:

  1. Find a place to serve within your church family is so important, not only for you, but others. You offer so much to the FCC family, so get involved. It’s a wonderful way to build deeper relationships.
  2. Attendance is important, but having a relationship with Jesus Christ is even more important. If you haven’t accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior yet and been baptized, please talk with us about how to make that happen.
  3. Membership comes with expectation. We expect our members to attend, serve, and give.
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