
Simon Says

This week we take a look at a very well-known miracle in the New Testament, where Jesus walks on the water. We look at this from Simon Peter’s point of view this week and get a lesson that we can apply to our lives today. When Simon sees Jesus walking on the water, his great […]

Simon Says

This week, we are in John 6 looking at a teaching from Jesus that happens right after one fo the miracle feedings. There were many that chose to follow Jesus after the feeding and they met him on the other side of the sea after the teaching, expressing their hunger. Jesus told them that he […]

Simon Says

We start a journey with Simon this week, starting with his calling in Luke 5. Simon knew how to fish, he knew what it took and when to pursue fishing. At this time, he just finished fishing with no luck and loans his boat to a teacher to teach from. After he finished teaching, he […]


Richard wraps up the Homesick series this week when he covers Daniel 10-12. In these chapters, a messenger comes to Daniel and gives him answers to the prayers and visions he has had throughout the book. We see that Daniel has been heard from day one, though there was some delay in getting the answer […]


Mike speaks this week reminding us that Hell is a very real place with real consequences.


Richard takes us back to Daniel 8 for this week’s message. Daniel receives a vision that he does not understand, so Gabriel is sent to decipher and explain it to Daniel. Richard pulls out a a portion to focus on, specifically around the destruction that occurs in the vision and the havoc that follows. Sinful […]


Nathanael continues in the Homesick series this week in Richard’s absence. We jump to Daniel 9 to look at the prayer that Daniel prays. As we explore this prayer, Nathanael draws out three application points for us as Christians to apply to our prayer lives.


Richard continues in Daniel 7 in the Homesick series where we start to get into Daniel’s visions. Daniel says that this vision distresses his spirit and terrifies him, but there is a lot of focus on the everlasting kingdom. As Christians, we should focus on the everlasting kingdom, even as the world around us may […]


Richard continues in Daniel 5 this week and we see a direct contract to last week’s message. In Daniel 5 we look at King Belshazzar’s pride and how he did not repent. As Richard explains, it almost appears that Belshazzar apologizes to the messenger (Daniel), instead of God. As a result, we see that Belshazzar’s […]

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