

Richard continues in Daniel 4 this morning; we take a look at another of the King’s dreams, the interpretation, and the outcome. The King is warned that he will be chopped down, behave like the animals do, and will only be restored after he repents of his pride. At the completion of the passage, we […]

Guest Speaker

Mike takes us to Revelation 2 and issues a challenge to the Church regarding what we can do to find our first love back.


Today Richard is in Daniel 3 where we discuss Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego and their refusal to bow to the statue that King Nebuchadnezzar erected. Richard alludes to an important truth that VeggieTales calls out but is something that is often overlooked in the text; verse 12 says that there are some Jews that do […]


This week we are in Daniel 2 where King Nebuchadnezzar has a dream that needs to be interpreted, but does not tell of the dream. Only Daniel is able to tell the king what the dream was and what it meant. The dream detailed many kingdoms that were established and their ultimate fates. Daniel used […]


Richard starts a new series in Daniel this week, Homesick, where we will look at the Israelites’ time in exile and how we can apply this part of their story to our life as modern Christians. We start in Daniel 1 and see that God Rewards Faithfulness in Daniel’s example of refusing to defile his […]


Nathanael Coffman joins us this morning to discuss the most important decision we can make… What do we believe about who Jesus is? We dive in to John 7 to see what everyone is saying about Jesus at the Festival of Booths/Tabernacles. There are several things said about who Jesus is, and John includes it […]

Power Struggle

This week we will look at the power struggle Jesus illustrates in Mark 12:1-12 and how it applied to Israel back then and how it can apply to us now. Andrew walks us through the verses and provides a great breakdown of the different imagery used in the parable, and then helps us apply it […]

Fun in the Son

Richard brings us a message about God’s sovereignty this week as he wraps up his summer series. We start with the Pharisees trying to trap Jesus in Matthew 22 and then move into Romans to see how we ought to submit to governing authorities. Richard illustrates over and over that God will do what He […]

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