

This week we look at The Parable of the Ten Minas in Luke 19. This is similar to the Parable of the Talents in Matthew 25, but this version focuses more on the master going away and returning as a king as Jesus is approaching Jerusalem. We see that the servants are given a Mina […]

Run Towards Him

Matt Tyler, a home-parent at Show-Me Christian Youth Home, brings this week’s message from Jonah 1. In this passage, Jonah thinks he can outrun God and is quickly corrected as God finds a way to get Jonah to Nineveh. The God of Jonah is the same living God of today, tomorrow, and forever so we […]


This week Richard takes a look at one of the most popular parables, The Parable of the Prodigal Son in Luke 15. As we look into this parable we see the kingdom truth that God loves His children. All of them.


Richard brings us two parables this week about fining lost items. In Luke 15, we look at the parables about the lost sheep and the lost coin. Richard uses these parables bring us the kingdom truth that God goes to the furthest extent to find those who are lost. As a result, we should be […]

The Manifesto of the King

Nathanael Coffman from Christian Campus Fellowship at Missouri S&T delivers this week’s massage from the Beatitudes, found in Matthew 5:1-12. The Beatitudes are not only a list of how we should live as believers, but an image of Jesus himself as he embodied these during his time on Earth.


This week Richard takes us to Luke 12 as we look at the story of the rich fool and what it means to invest in the kingdom instead of storing up treasures on earth for we know that God will care for us, for he even feeds the ravens and clothes the grass. Those who […]


This week Richard illustrates the truth that “The Kingdom is Worth the Sacrifice” through a few parables and disciple experiences. We see that in order to inherit the kingdom, we have to be willing to sacrifice everything we have, be it wealth, comfort, or even family to follow Christ.


Richard starts us off in a new sermon series, Storytime, where we will look at different parables taught be Jesus and the Kingdom truths being communicated. This week we are in Matthew 13:1-23 reviewing what is possibly the first parable, the parable of the sower. Many times when we study this we focus on being […]

New Year, New Creation

To kick off the new year, Richard takes us to 2 Corinthians 5:16-21 where we read about becoming a new creation in Christ and what that means for our lives. Now that we are new creations, we are charged with being ambassadors for Christ and shining his light in the dark world. Will you join […]

The Way in a Manger

After the FCC Children’s Program, Richard delivered a short word to wrap up The Way in a Manger series that we have been working through for Christmas. We wrap up by looking at Herod and his reaction to the birth of Christ in the same passage in Luke that we were in last week.

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