Sermon Speaker

Richard Doughten, Senior Minister


Have you ever done something purely out of familiarity, even though you were told differently? We are habitual people, and Moses did the same thing when the Israelites were thirsty. In Exodus 17, Moses is instructed to strike the rock to bring forth water for the Israelites to drink. In Numbers 20, Moses is instructed […]


This week we see the Israelites in the wilderness for the first time. At the beginning of Exodus 15, they are singing a praise song to the Lord for all he has just done for them; however, we see them start to grumble and complain for water three days after walking through the Red Sea […]


This week we take a look at the Israelites as they flee Egypt and cross the Red Sea. We see that we can easily forget what all God has done for us when we get in a tough situation, but Moses tells the Israelites to just be quiet/still/at peace. Right after the Israelites are told […]


Richard starts a new series where we will be looking at the Israelites as they are led by Moses from Egypt to the Promised Land and seeing how we can apply their lessons to Christians today. This week we look at the qualifications of Moses and God’s intentions. God can, and will, use anyone for […]

But Sunday’s Coming

This week Richard covers a lot of ground starting with Palm Sunday and going all the way through to the Crucifixion. In this series of events, we focus on the darkness that surrounds the time in the Garden of Gethsemane and the subsequent arrest. From the time of the prayer to the time of the […]


This week we look at The Parable of the Ten Minas in Luke 19. This is similar to the Parable of the Talents in Matthew 25, but this version focuses more on the master going away and returning as a king as Jesus is approaching Jerusalem. We see that the servants are given a Mina […]

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