Sermon Speaker

Richard Doughten, Senior Minister

Fun in the Son

Richard brings us a message about God’s sovereignty this week as he wraps up his summer series. We start with the Pharisees trying to trap Jesus in Matthew 22 and then move into Romans to see how we ought to submit to governing authorities. Richard illustrates over and over that God will do what He […]

Fun in the Son

This week we are looking at Matthew 12:33-37. Richard breaks down these verses for us. We see here that Jesus cared about the words that were said, and we should too. Jesus even gives us a warning in verses 36-37. Richard leaves us with his mother’s wisdom, Watch Your Words.

Fun in the Son

This week Richard takes us to Jesus’s teaching in Matthew 10:16-31 for his disciples. As much as the world despised him for his message, the world will too despise us for carrying the same message. If they can despise the man that performed miracles, how much will they despise those that carry the same message […]

Fun in the Son

This week Richard covers the healings in Matthew 9:18-38 and what they mean for us. We see four healings occur in these passages where each person received one healing. Plot twist, in a couple of years the whole world would experience these healings all in one act of Christ’s sacrifice.

Fun in the Son

This Father’s Day, Richard dives into one of the images we see of God as Father in Luke 11. In a world where it was not common to address God on a personal basis as Father, they had to go to the temple and have someone intervene for them, Jesus taught them to pray to […]

Fun in the Son

This week Richard challenges us to ask ourselves what value we place on following Jesus. Would we be willing to give up everything to follow Him. We look at some examples in Matthew where Jesus does this exact thing, challenges others to give up what they value to follow Him. Matthew does not record the […]

Fun in the Son

This week we are in Matthew 5:43-48 where Jesus gives the instruction to lover our enemies. Richard takes this lesson and applies it to us today and shows us how we can pray and love our enemies, because they may be our brother or sister… Maybe not today or tomorrow, but the Gospel can change […]

Fun in the Son

Richard is starting a new series for the summer where we will be examining the ministry of Jesus to learn His lessons and understand what the Gospel is all about. This week we start in Matthew 4 where Jesus calls his first disciples and what he says they will do. They were fishermen, but he […]

A Mother’s Day Message

Richard brings us a Mother’s Day special this morning from Isaiah. At this time in Israel, they are feeling lost and abandoned. It is not uncommon for us to feel these same feelings, but there is hope. In Isaiah 49:14-15 an Isaiah 66:13, God reminds the Israelites that he will never forget you or abandon […]

How Can They Believe?

This we we wrap up the Be the Church event and talk about why we spent last week being the church instead of being in the church. It doesn’t matter what you are doing, there may be a way to spread the message of Christ, and Richard details his opportunity to do so in the […]

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