Sermon Series

Simon Says

Simon Says

We are approaching the end of the series and Simon’s time with Jesus. This week we are looking at Jesus’ foretelling of Simon’s denial. It seems that the disciples moved from “Who will betray” to “Who is the best” in their discussion at the Last Supper and this is where we see Simon claiming to […]

Simon Says

We take a look at the washing fo the feet at the Last Supper this week from a different perspective. We look at Simon Peter’s reaction and the lesson we can learn from him in this passage. Humble yourself and serve others.

Simon Says

This week we take a look at the topic of Forgiveness and what Simon learned from Jesus regarding the topic in Matthew 18. Simon asks how many times he should forgive someone who sins against him, and Jesus tells the story of the unmerciful servant to illustrate how much the Father forgives, and that we […]

Simon Says

This week we are in Matthew 16:13-20 looking at a time when Simon got it really right. Jesus asks teh disciples who people say he is. The disciples respond with different answers from the people they have encountered during their time with Jesus. Some said John the Baptist, some said Elijah, even others said Jeremiah […]

Simon Says

This week we look at one of the biggest blunders that Simon makes while following Jesus; however, he isn’t alone in making this mistake. In Matthew 16:21-28, we see Simon say that what Jesus is teaching cannot happen to him (the handing over to the elders, crucifixion, and resurrection). Jesus rebukes Simon saying “Get behind […]

Simon Says

This week we are in Mark 9, where we take a look at the Transfiguration of Jesus. In a magnificent moment where a select few are taken to the top of the mountain to experience the Transfiguration of Christ, Simon fills the silence and speaks because he did not know what else to do/say. With […]

Simon Says

This week we take a look at a very well-known miracle in the New Testament, where Jesus walks on the water. We look at this from Simon Peter’s point of view this week and get a lesson that we can apply to our lives today. When Simon sees Jesus walking on the water, his great […]

Simon Says

This week, we are in John 6 looking at a teaching from Jesus that happens right after one fo the miracle feedings. There were many that chose to follow Jesus after the feeding and they met him on the other side of the sea after the teaching, expressing their hunger. Jesus told them that he […]

Simon Says

We start a journey with Simon this week, starting with his calling in Luke 5. Simon knew how to fish, he knew what it took and when to pursue fishing. At this time, he just finished fishing with no luck and loans his boat to a teacher to teach from. After he finished teaching, he […]

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