Sermon Book: Matthew


Richard starts a new series this week that will cover various practices that we do as Christians and explains why we do them. We start the series off with baptism, looking to the books of Matthew, Acts, Romans, and Galatians. I’m a Christian, of course I’ve been baptized.

Simon Says

This week we take a look at the topic of Forgiveness and what Simon learned from Jesus regarding the topic in Matthew 18. Simon asks how many times he should forgive someone who sins against him, and Jesus tells the story of the unmerciful servant to illustrate how much the Father forgives, and that we […]

Simon Says

This week we are in Matthew 16:13-20 looking at a time when Simon got it really right. Jesus asks teh disciples who people say he is. The disciples respond with different answers from the people they have encountered during their time with Jesus. Some said John the Baptist, some said Elijah, even others said Jeremiah […]

Simon Says

This week we look at one of the biggest blunders that Simon makes while following Jesus; however, he isn’t alone in making this mistake. In Matthew 16:21-28, we see Simon say that what Jesus is teaching cannot happen to him (the handing over to the elders, crucifixion, and resurrection). Jesus rebukes Simon saying “Get behind […]

Simon Says

This week we take a look at a very well-known miracle in the New Testament, where Jesus walks on the water. We look at this from Simon Peter’s point of view this week and get a lesson that we can apply to our lives today. When Simon sees Jesus walking on the water, his great […]

Fun in the Son

Richard brings us a message about God’s sovereignty this week as he wraps up his summer series. We start with the Pharisees trying to trap Jesus in Matthew 22 and then move into Romans to see how we ought to submit to governing authorities. Richard illustrates over and over that God will do what He […]

Fun in the Son

This week we are looking at Matthew 12:33-37. Richard breaks down these verses for us. We see here that Jesus cared about the words that were said, and we should too. Jesus even gives us a warning in verses 36-37. Richard leaves us with his mother’s wisdom, Watch Your Words.

Fun in the Son

This week Richard takes us to Jesus’s teaching in Matthew 10:16-31 for his disciples. As much as the world despised him for his message, the world will too despise us for carrying the same message. If they can despise the man that performed miracles, how much will they despise those that carry the same message […]

Fun in the Son

This week Richard covers the healings in Matthew 9:18-38 and what they mean for us. We see four healings occur in these passages where each person received one healing. Plot twist, in a couple of years the whole world would experience these healings all in one act of Christ’s sacrifice.

Guest Speaker

Nathanael Coffman joins us this morning to bring a message from Matthew 7:21-29, the conclusion of the Sermon on the Mount. Jesus illustrated for those that are present that it takes more than just verbal profession and intellect to be an obedient follower. In order to truly follow him, we have to take action and […]

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