Sermon Book: Luke

Simon Says

We start a journey with Simon this week, starting with his calling in Luke 5. Simon knew how to fish, he knew what it took and when to pursue fishing. At this time, he just finished fishing with no luck and loans his boat to a teacher to teach from. After he finished teaching, he […]

Fun in the Son

This Father’s Day, Richard dives into one of the images we see of God as Father in Luke 11. In a world where it was not common to address God on a personal basis as Father, they had to go to the temple and have someone intervene for them, Jesus taught them to pray to […]

Are You Willing?

Nathanael brings this week’s message from Luke 9:51-62. Here we see the disciples preparing to go to Samaria with Jesus, and they are rejected and it seems they look for their own flavor of Justice. Following this interaction, we see an interaction of three men with Jesus and a few (what seem harsh) responses from […]

But Sunday’s Coming

This week Richard presents the message as Peter and tells the story of the crucifixion through his renewal, and partly into Acts. We talk about his denial of Christ, his renewal, and what God was able to do through Peter despite his past. If God can work through all of that, imagine what He can […]

But Sunday’s Coming

This week Richard covers a lot of ground starting with Palm Sunday and going all the way through to the Crucifixion. In this series of events, we focus on the darkness that surrounds the time in the Garden of Gethsemane and the subsequent arrest. From the time of the prayer to the time of the […]


This week we look at The Parable of the Ten Minas in Luke 19. This is similar to the Parable of the Talents in Matthew 25, but this version focuses more on the master going away and returning as a king as Jesus is approaching Jerusalem. We see that the servants are given a Mina […]


This week Richard takes a look at one of the most popular parables, The Parable of the Prodigal Son in Luke 15. As we look into this parable we see the kingdom truth that God loves His children. All of them.


Richard brings us two parables this week about fining lost items. In Luke 15, we look at the parables about the lost sheep and the lost coin. Richard uses these parables bring us the kingdom truth that God goes to the furthest extent to find those who are lost. As a result, we should be […]


This week Richard takes us to Luke 12 as we look at the story of the rich fool and what it means to invest in the kingdom instead of storing up treasures on earth for we know that God will care for us, for he even feeds the ravens and clothes the grass. Those who […]

The Way in a Manger

After the FCC Children’s Program, Richard delivered a short word to wrap up The Way in a Manger series that we have been working through for Christmas. We wrap up by looking at Herod and his reaction to the birth of Christ in the same passage in Luke that we were in last week.

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