Sermon Book: John

Simon Says

Richard concludes the Simon Says series looking at the restoration of Simon Peter after last week’s look at the denial in John 21:15-19. God’s restoration is stronger than man’s rejection.

Simon Says

We take a look at the washing fo the feet at the Last Supper this week from a different perspective. We look at Simon Peter’s reaction and the lesson we can learn from him in this passage. Humble yourself and serve others.

Simon Says

This week, we are in John 6 looking at a teaching from Jesus that happens right after one fo the miracle feedings. There were many that chose to follow Jesus after the feeding and they met him on the other side of the sea after the teaching, expressing their hunger. Jesus told them that he […]


Nathanael Coffman joins us this morning to discuss the most important decision we can make… What do we believe about who Jesus is? We dive in to John 7 to see what everyone is saying about Jesus at the Festival of Booths/Tabernacles. There are several things said about who Jesus is, and John includes it […]

Feed My Sheep

Andrew Funston brings this week’s message from John 21.

Tending to God’s Garden, Tending to Our Garden

Mike brings us this morning’s message about caring for our garden. In Genesis, God created the Garden of Eden and then charged man with caring for the garden. While Eden was God’s first garden, we are now the garden that needs tending to and the gardener that needs to tend to God’s garden (others).

But Sunday’s Coming

This week Richard presents the message as Peter and tells the story of the crucifixion through his renewal, and partly into Acts. We talk about his denial of Christ, his renewal, and what God was able to do through Peter despite his past. If God can work through all of that, imagine what He can […]

Freshman Orientation

Richard covers Jesus as we wrap up Trinity and the Freshman Orientation series. We discuss the role of Jesus as the Son of God, the implications this title has, and the roles that Jesus plays. Richard focuses on two particular roles in this sermon, Jesus as the ransom for sin and as the judge.

Freshman Orientation

Richard’s message this week focuses on the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit has been working throughout creation and is still working today. We cover how the Spirit gives us God’s Word, shows us what is wrong, cleanses us, shows us what is right, and empowers us to do what is right.

Freshman Orientation

This week we take a look at the Trinity and the importance it plays in our faith. This is an important foundational piece of our faith. Richard walks us through the theology of the trinity and how to defend our belief in the Trinity. Richard guides us through Colossians 2, Acts 5, and John 8 […]

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